Thursday, April 15, 2010


ON Tuesday, April 20, President Jacob Zuma will officially open the newly constructed Central Terminal Building (CTB) at OR Tambo International Airport.

Gm of OR Tambo International Airport, Chris Hlekane, declares that the official opening of CTB marks the completion of the state-of-the-art airport facility well in time for the World Cup. “Acsa works closely with FIFA to share data on traffic volumes around key games and venues. The airports are prepared to run 24 hours a day to ensure the smooth flow of operations.”

Completed facilities at the airport include the International Pier and a multi-storey parkade for 5 200 vehicles, bringing the total number of parking bays within and offsite the precinct to 17 500. Other facilities comprise seven new aircraft apron stands and the Gautrain Rapid Rail link.

Cape Town international Airport, which forms part of Acsa’s network of 10 airports, has a new CTB, a 400-vehicle multi-storey parkade, five new aircraft apron stands, and improved access roads. Meanwhile, Port Elizabeth, Upington, Kimberley, East London and Bloemfontein have all undergone runway upgrades and terminal refurbishing, and operational plans are nearing completion fort final signoff by May.

“OR Tambo International, and the other nine Acsa-managed airports will create those first impressions vital to market South Africa as a preferred destination for investment and tourism, able to compete proudly with the best facilities in the world,” says Hlekane.

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