Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010

What was billed as the Muslim world's first nudist hotel has been forced to close, just six days after it opened.
It was shut after a local authority inspection which found that one of the balconies did not conform to the architect's drawings. The first 12 sparsely-clad guests at the 64-room resort in Datca on the Turkish Riviera have had to be moved to more conventional accommodation.
It was shut after a local authority inspection which found that one of the balconies did not conform to the architect's drawings. The first 12 sparsely-clad guests at the 64-room resort in Datca on the Turkish Riviera have had to be moved to more conventional accommodation.
The hotel owner said he hoped to modify the balcony and re-open by Wednesday.
Entrepreneur Ahmed Kosar, a 15-year veteran of the Turkish tourism industry, told the BBC that he was always looking for new niches to exploit in the $20bn (£13.6bn) business, and that a number of European clients at his other hotels had expressed an interest in nudism.
The resort was constructed in a quiet spot on the Datca peninsula, east of the popular resort of Marmaris. It offers guests the opportunity to bare all around the pool, or to take a special shuttle bus to a private beach where nudity is tolerated.
Mr Kosar said he was campaigning to re-open the hotel, and argued that many other hotels in the area have been allowed to continue operating despite not getting some of the many different licences required in Turkey.
It took him two years to build, and he said there were no objections from the local inhabitants, provided the naked tourists confined themselves to the grounds of the resort and the private beach. The hotel is only open to foreigners - Turks are not allowed to stay - and the staff, nearly all male, keep their clothes on.
Entrepreneurs in Iceland are cashing in on the European aviation crisis by selling jars of volcanic ash for GBP75 (US$111) on the Internet.
According to Orange News, the ash from the Eyjafjallajokull glacier is being sold in 160g portions
in sealed glass containers as souvenirs of the disaster. The ash cloud from the volcano caused havoc across Europe, grounding fl ights and costing airlines US$1.7 billion.
According to Orange News, the ash from the Eyjafjallajokull glacier is being sold in 160g portions
in sealed glass containers as souvenirs of the disaster. The ash cloud from the volcano caused havoc across Europe, grounding fl ights and costing airlines US$1.7 billion.
North Island Dive Report - May 2010
Weather and Beaches
The beginning of March has been characterised by unusually large swells - so much so that we almost decided to cancel activities for a day due to a dangerous shore break at Petit Anse, which would have rendered zodiac transfers unsafe. Fortunately this was shortlived and the sea soon calmed down again. From the 13th of March onwards the sea conditions were fantastic and more like what we have come expect from this season. The visibility has also been great and has exceeded 35 metres on some days - making diving the order of the day, and rightly so.
The rough seas during the beginning of the month also assisted in shortening the beach in front of the dive centre somewhat. West Beach was hit very hard by the big swell and has all but disappeared from the front of the West Beach bar. The famous dead takamaka tree by the West Beach picnic spot has fallen over and has had to be removed. Honeymoon Beach has remained beautiful throughout the month.
Marine Life and Conservation
The highlight of the month has undoubtedly been the sighting of six manta rays off Cathedral, a dive site situated below the steep cliffs of the south of Silhouette Island. The family were spotted calmly swimming just off the deeper ledges of this reef, but quickly disappeared. Manta rays are particularly rare in Seychelles waters and especially around North Island. Unfortunately, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) currently lists manta rays (Manta birostris) as 'near threatened'. It's known that several populations around the world are severely depleted, some possibly already extinct, but not enough scientific research has been carried out to properly assess the species as a whole. Almost nothing is known about their population ecology, use of critical habitat, movements or reproduction, all of which are vital in order to accurately assess the state of the species - the lack of protection in most areas is directly related to the limited research that has been conducted on these amazing creatures.
As previously mentioned, a second (and now possibly even third) species of manta ray has been recently discovered within the world's oceans - this research has been conducted by marine biologist, Andrea Marshall, mostly off the waters of southern Mozambique. This is the most significant news to date to come out of ray research, and its importance is the marine equivalent of discovering an unknown species of elephant!
Manta rays, which are totally harmless and do not possess a stinging barb, are the largest of over 500 different species of rays and skates. We hope our sighting of this clan of six is not an isolated incident, and that we catch sight of this family again in our waters. If possible we'd like to identify which species they are.
The most unusual discovery this month, however, has been of a flying fish which was found at the back of the dive centre. I suppose it may be possible that it was picked up by a small water spout and dropped at the back of the centre, or it may also be possible that it was chased by a predator out of the water onto the beach, through the dive centre and out the back - either option seems equally unbelievable, but there it was. Very strange indeed - although, as they say, stranger things have happened...
Our dive centre turtle nest, which was laid during January and soon thereafter 'adopted' by the dive centre team, had to be relocated as it was situated too close to the lights of the dive centre and restaurant and the hatchlings were in danger of being attracted to the lights instead of the sea during their hatchling scramble to their new ocean home. We decided to relocate the nest further down the beach, between Villas #2 and #3 so that the eggs could hatch without concern for any surrounding lights.
Strangely, the eggs did not synchronise their hatching (as is normally the case) and numerous visits were required by the enviro team in order to continually release what hatchlings had hatched. A very strange hatching, but nonetheless most of the hatchlings managed to hatch naturally, with only a dozen or so requiring incubation in the enviro office before being released at a later date.
In respect to the current Protected Areas Project, North Island hosted various members of the project on a day trip to the island, including individuals from GEF, GIF and UNDP. This orientation also included a dive on Sprat City with the intention of showing Michelle Etienne and a colleague (from GEF) the types of reef structures North Island has to offer. Both were equally impressed with the condition of the reef as well as the fish life and fish species diversity found on this one small section of reef. Further clarification was also received that this site is in fact quite special and rightly deserves any form of protection that can be provided. Several species of coral that dominate this reef were also discussed in more detail, including their importance within the marine ecosystem and especially to North Island in the event that we are able to demarcate certain areas as protected.
In relation to the current Coral Bleaching Alert as of February/March this year, we are keeping a close tab on our reefs in order to pre-empt any wide-scale bleaching that may occur. Currently, Sprat City and Twin Anchors have shown almost no change apart from what is normally expected during a traditional summer season (selected corals are expected to show mild signs of bleaching by the end of the summer season). Coral Gardens has, however, shown a distinct change and particularly with the horned corals (Pocillopora spp.) and the clustered finger corals (Acropora spp.). While it is still unknown if these corals have indeed died, we will continue to monitor the reefs and coral gardens in particular for any further signs of bleaching. Apparently several outer islands have already reported severe coral bleaching in some areas which is particularly worrying.
Weather and Beaches
The beginning of March has been characterised by unusually large swells - so much so that we almost decided to cancel activities for a day due to a dangerous shore break at Petit Anse, which would have rendered zodiac transfers unsafe. Fortunately this was shortlived and the sea soon calmed down again. From the 13th of March onwards the sea conditions were fantastic and more like what we have come expect from this season. The visibility has also been great and has exceeded 35 metres on some days - making diving the order of the day, and rightly so.
The rough seas during the beginning of the month also assisted in shortening the beach in front of the dive centre somewhat. West Beach was hit very hard by the big swell and has all but disappeared from the front of the West Beach bar. The famous dead takamaka tree by the West Beach picnic spot has fallen over and has had to be removed. Honeymoon Beach has remained beautiful throughout the month.
Marine Life and Conservation
The highlight of the month has undoubtedly been the sighting of six manta rays off Cathedral, a dive site situated below the steep cliffs of the south of Silhouette Island. The family were spotted calmly swimming just off the deeper ledges of this reef, but quickly disappeared. Manta rays are particularly rare in Seychelles waters and especially around North Island. Unfortunately, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) currently lists manta rays (Manta birostris) as 'near threatened'. It's known that several populations around the world are severely depleted, some possibly already extinct, but not enough scientific research has been carried out to properly assess the species as a whole. Almost nothing is known about their population ecology, use of critical habitat, movements or reproduction, all of which are vital in order to accurately assess the state of the species - the lack of protection in most areas is directly related to the limited research that has been conducted on these amazing creatures.
As previously mentioned, a second (and now possibly even third) species of manta ray has been recently discovered within the world's oceans - this research has been conducted by marine biologist, Andrea Marshall, mostly off the waters of southern Mozambique. This is the most significant news to date to come out of ray research, and its importance is the marine equivalent of discovering an unknown species of elephant!
Manta rays, which are totally harmless and do not possess a stinging barb, are the largest of over 500 different species of rays and skates. We hope our sighting of this clan of six is not an isolated incident, and that we catch sight of this family again in our waters. If possible we'd like to identify which species they are.
The most unusual discovery this month, however, has been of a flying fish which was found at the back of the dive centre. I suppose it may be possible that it was picked up by a small water spout and dropped at the back of the centre, or it may also be possible that it was chased by a predator out of the water onto the beach, through the dive centre and out the back - either option seems equally unbelievable, but there it was. Very strange indeed - although, as they say, stranger things have happened...
Our dive centre turtle nest, which was laid during January and soon thereafter 'adopted' by the dive centre team, had to be relocated as it was situated too close to the lights of the dive centre and restaurant and the hatchlings were in danger of being attracted to the lights instead of the sea during their hatchling scramble to their new ocean home. We decided to relocate the nest further down the beach, between Villas #2 and #3 so that the eggs could hatch without concern for any surrounding lights.
Strangely, the eggs did not synchronise their hatching (as is normally the case) and numerous visits were required by the enviro team in order to continually release what hatchlings had hatched. A very strange hatching, but nonetheless most of the hatchlings managed to hatch naturally, with only a dozen or so requiring incubation in the enviro office before being released at a later date.
In respect to the current Protected Areas Project, North Island hosted various members of the project on a day trip to the island, including individuals from GEF, GIF and UNDP. This orientation also included a dive on Sprat City with the intention of showing Michelle Etienne and a colleague (from GEF) the types of reef structures North Island has to offer. Both were equally impressed with the condition of the reef as well as the fish life and fish species diversity found on this one small section of reef. Further clarification was also received that this site is in fact quite special and rightly deserves any form of protection that can be provided. Several species of coral that dominate this reef were also discussed in more detail, including their importance within the marine ecosystem and especially to North Island in the event that we are able to demarcate certain areas as protected.
In relation to the current Coral Bleaching Alert as of February/March this year, we are keeping a close tab on our reefs in order to pre-empt any wide-scale bleaching that may occur. Currently, Sprat City and Twin Anchors have shown almost no change apart from what is normally expected during a traditional summer season (selected corals are expected to show mild signs of bleaching by the end of the summer season). Coral Gardens has, however, shown a distinct change and particularly with the horned corals (Pocillopora spp.) and the clustered finger corals (Acropora spp.). While it is still unknown if these corals have indeed died, we will continue to monitor the reefs and coral gardens in particular for any further signs of bleaching. Apparently several outer islands have already reported severe coral bleaching in some areas which is particularly worrying.

The global financial crisis has really shaken a lot of people to their foundation. Some have seen their personal wealth eroded while others have lost their jobs. On the whole, most of the impact has been negative but there have also been some positive effects.
When our certainty and foundation is shaken we are forced to stop and look at our lives and some start an inward journey. First of all, people are looking increasingly at how they live and what they live for. Instead of being solely focused on their personal destination - in other words postponing their lives until they have achieved their ambitions and desires – they are instead actually living and celebrating the journey.
There is a growing realisation that life and moments are perishable and it’s a case of ‘use it or lose it’. Holidays are the best way to enjoy these moments with family and friends. As we reflect on our lives it usually the moments we spent with our nearest and dearest as opposed to number of digits that we may or may not have in our bank account that is truly important.
Those who look inwards are increasingly looking for a more meaningful holiday. Instead of collapsing on the beach for a few weeks, which is still a great thing to do, people are looking for a better return on their wellness investment where they can work on themselves through spiritual enquiry, self improvement, physical wellbeing.
This is where the role of destination spas comes in to play. The easiest way to understand the difference between a normal spa and a destination spa is that typically, a resort will sell rooms first and may bolt on spa afterwards. With a destination spa the spa comes first. More specifically, customers will buy the programmes first and the room component bolts onto this.
There are a growing number of great destination spas all around the globe, each with a different focus and concept; from physical fitness to detox to meditation. The general idea is that as well coming away looking and feeling 10 years younger and fitter you will also be armed with some new life skills that will be meaningful when you are back in your normal stress bound existence.
When our certainty and foundation is shaken we are forced to stop and look at our lives and some start an inward journey. First of all, people are looking increasingly at how they live and what they live for. Instead of being solely focused on their personal destination - in other words postponing their lives until they have achieved their ambitions and desires – they are instead actually living and celebrating the journey.
There is a growing realisation that life and moments are perishable and it’s a case of ‘use it or lose it’. Holidays are the best way to enjoy these moments with family and friends. As we reflect on our lives it usually the moments we spent with our nearest and dearest as opposed to number of digits that we may or may not have in our bank account that is truly important.
Those who look inwards are increasingly looking for a more meaningful holiday. Instead of collapsing on the beach for a few weeks, which is still a great thing to do, people are looking for a better return on their wellness investment where they can work on themselves through spiritual enquiry, self improvement, physical wellbeing.
This is where the role of destination spas comes in to play. The easiest way to understand the difference between a normal spa and a destination spa is that typically, a resort will sell rooms first and may bolt on spa afterwards. With a destination spa the spa comes first. More specifically, customers will buy the programmes first and the room component bolts onto this.
There are a growing number of great destination spas all around the globe, each with a different focus and concept; from physical fitness to detox to meditation. The general idea is that as well coming away looking and feeling 10 years younger and fitter you will also be armed with some new life skills that will be meaningful when you are back in your normal stress bound existence.

Majestic images of cruise ships posing in front of Antarctic glaciers will soon be a thing of the past as a ban against such sailings comes into effect in August 2011.
The International Maritime Organisation has adopted a ban against using and carrying heavy fuel oil on ships operating in Antarctic waters forcing cruise lines like Princess Cruises, Crystal and Celebrity to conduct their last cruises to the Antarctic in this 2010/2011 season (November to February).
The ban follows the 2007 sinking of the MV Explorer that had a significant impact on the entire Antarctic tourism industry. Cruise operators have been working on measures to enhance marine safety in the area since then.
The new guideline considers various types of cruise experiences ranging from expeditions on smaller vessels with ice-strengthened hulls that travel into Antarctic coastal and island harbours for landings, to cruise-only midsummer voyages on larger ships that stay in well-charted waters, generally clear of the shoreline and any ice cover. And it is the latter that will be most affected.
The International Maritime Organisation has adopted a ban against using and carrying heavy fuel oil on ships operating in Antarctic waters forcing cruise lines like Princess Cruises, Crystal and Celebrity to conduct their last cruises to the Antarctic in this 2010/2011 season (November to February).
The ban follows the 2007 sinking of the MV Explorer that had a significant impact on the entire Antarctic tourism industry. Cruise operators have been working on measures to enhance marine safety in the area since then.
The new guideline considers various types of cruise experiences ranging from expeditions on smaller vessels with ice-strengthened hulls that travel into Antarctic coastal and island harbours for landings, to cruise-only midsummer voyages on larger ships that stay in well-charted waters, generally clear of the shoreline and any ice cover. And it is the latter that will be most affected.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The ice cap on Uganda's highest peak has split because of global warming, Uganda's Wildlife Authority (UWA) says.
The glacier is located at an altitude of 5,109m (16,763ft) in the Rwenzori mountain range, near the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The authorities say a crevasse has blocked access to the Margherita summit - the third-highest peak in Africa, and a popular destination with climbers.
The authorities say a crevasse has blocked access to the Margherita summit - the third-highest peak in Africa, and a popular destination with climbers.
Scientists say glaciers in the Rwenzori range could disappear within 20 years.
UWA officials said a team had been sent to the mountain to assess the extent of damage on the route to Margherita.
According to researchers, the ice cap covered 6 sq km (2 sq miles) 50 years ago. It is now less than 1 sq km.
According to researchers, the ice cap covered 6 sq km (2 sq miles) 50 years ago. It is now less than 1 sq km.
The mountain range, which is one of the few places near the equator to have glaciers, was declared a Unesco World Heritage site in 1994.

Transport in Greece has come to a standstill following a nationwide general strike in protest against planned spending cuts and tax rises.
Planes, trains and ferries are at a standstill as transport workers joined public workers in their 48-hour strike that started yesterday.
According to media reports flights in and out of Greece stopped at midnight, while trains and ferries were not running in the morning.
The Greece government over the weekend agreed that it would cut spending and hike taxes in return for US$143 billion loan from eurozone countries and the International Monetary fund.
The government now plans to cut 13 and 14th month bonus pay for civil servants and retirees and raise the retirement age for women to 65, the same age as required by men for pension payouts.
Mass protests are planned in Athens before passing through the city.Schools and hospitals are also expected to remain shut.
Planes, trains and ferries are at a standstill as transport workers joined public workers in their 48-hour strike that started yesterday.
According to media reports flights in and out of Greece stopped at midnight, while trains and ferries were not running in the morning.
The Greece government over the weekend agreed that it would cut spending and hike taxes in return for US$143 billion loan from eurozone countries and the International Monetary fund.
The government now plans to cut 13 and 14th month bonus pay for civil servants and retirees and raise the retirement age for women to 65, the same age as required by men for pension payouts.
Mass protests are planned in Athens before passing through the city.Schools and hospitals are also expected to remain shut.

World leading industry consultants, environmentalists, politicians and tourist bodies will gather at the second Six Senses Eco Symposium later this year.
Leading figures at the event, to be held at Soneva Fushi in the Maldives from 7-10 October 2010, will include Maldivian President Nasheed, who will deliver a keynote speech outlining the country’s commitment to carbon neutrality by 2020.
The main objective of the Eco Symposium is to bring together travel and tourism industry leaders and urge them to adopt green business practices and adapt to climate change. Other speakers include Jonathan Porritt, a leading UK environmentalist and the UNWTO’s Geoffrey Lipman.
Leading figures at the event, to be held at Soneva Fushi in the Maldives from 7-10 October 2010, will include Maldivian President Nasheed, who will deliver a keynote speech outlining the country’s commitment to carbon neutrality by 2020.
The main objective of the Eco Symposium is to bring together travel and tourism industry leaders and urge them to adopt green business practices and adapt to climate change. Other speakers include Jonathan Porritt, a leading UK environmentalist and the UNWTO’s Geoffrey Lipman.
In a bid to intensity their indefinite nationwide general strike which began on Sunday, protestors in Nepal has said it would not allow Ministers to enter their offices from Wednesday. Protesters hoped to disrupt the government by blocking streets and have demanded that residents halt all travel and keep businesses and schools closed in their nationwide strike.
The strike has thus shut down most businesses, schools and transport, with daily activity grinding to a complete standstill. Thousands of Maoist supporters began enforcing the indefinite shutdown across the Himalayan nation, demanding the government make way for a national unity coalition headed by the Maoists and demand the prime minister's resignation.
Nepal government has started evacuating scores of tourists stranded by a general strike called by Maoist former rebels in a political standoff with the government that could imperil a peace deal.
The strike has thus shut down most businesses, schools and transport, with daily activity grinding to a complete standstill. Thousands of Maoist supporters began enforcing the indefinite shutdown across the Himalayan nation, demanding the government make way for a national unity coalition headed by the Maoists and demand the prime minister's resignation.
Nepal government has started evacuating scores of tourists stranded by a general strike called by Maoist former rebels in a political standoff with the government that could imperil a peace deal.
THE Iceland met office issued a warning yesterday (May 4), saying that the most recent ash cloud may affect airspace over the north of the UK over the next few days.
This follows a change in the direction of the wind.
The met office expects the wind to continue to blow in the same direction until at least Thursday but confirmed that it could continue for the next few days. Authorities have also warned that the ash could cause more disruptions later in the week and periodically throughout the summer.
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) in an update stated: “Airspace over the UK is still being impacted by ash. While levels are now such that operations are possible, in line with the standards agreed by engine manufacturers, safety restrictions will remain in place.”
As such, operations will be in line with the CAA’s Revised Airspace Guidance that requires airlines to:
• Conduct their own risk assessment and develop operational procedures to address any remaining risks;
• Put in place an intensive maintenance ash damage inspection before and after each flight; and
• Report any ash-related incidents to a reporting scheme run by the CAA
This follows a change in the direction of the wind.
The met office expects the wind to continue to blow in the same direction until at least Thursday but confirmed that it could continue for the next few days. Authorities have also warned that the ash could cause more disruptions later in the week and periodically throughout the summer.
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) in an update stated: “Airspace over the UK is still being impacted by ash. While levels are now such that operations are possible, in line with the standards agreed by engine manufacturers, safety restrictions will remain in place.”
As such, operations will be in line with the CAA’s Revised Airspace Guidance that requires airlines to:
• Conduct their own risk assessment and develop operational procedures to address any remaining risks;
• Put in place an intensive maintenance ash damage inspection before and after each flight; and
• Report any ash-related incidents to a reporting scheme run by the CAA
Monday, May 3, 2010
The Jockey Club Kau Sai Chau Public Golf Course in Hong Kong has introduced the world’s first fleet of solar-powered golf carts, which are expected to cut carbon emissions by about 30 tonnes
per year.
Channel NewsAsia reported that solar-cell roof panels, fitted to 205 carts, capture and convert sunlight into energy. The club estimates the new carts will save it more than US$50,000 per year.
In addition, the course is planning to bring customers to the venue on solar hybrid powered Ferries, the report added.
per year.
Channel NewsAsia reported that solar-cell roof panels, fitted to 205 carts, capture and convert sunlight into energy. The club estimates the new carts will save it more than US$50,000 per year.
In addition, the course is planning to bring customers to the venue on solar hybrid powered Ferries, the report added.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
International tourism is steadily gaining momentum, with worldwide tourist arrivals increasing 7% in the first two months of 2010, according to the latest UNWTO World Tourism Barometer.
Growth was positive in all world regions during the first two months of 2010 led by Asia and the Pacific (+10%). African arrivals climbed 7%, but the pace of growth was slower in Europe (+3%)
and in the Americas (+3%).
The January-February results follow the upturn registered in the last quarter of 2009 when
arrivals grew by 2% after 14 consecutive months of negative results. Though data for March
2010 is still limited, the UNWTO has reported that the positive trend is set to continue, however the Icelandic volcano situation is likely to have impacted results in April.
Growth was positive in all world regions during the first two months of 2010 led by Asia and the Pacific (+10%). African arrivals climbed 7%, but the pace of growth was slower in Europe (+3%)
and in the Americas (+3%).
The January-February results follow the upturn registered in the last quarter of 2009 when
arrivals grew by 2% after 14 consecutive months of negative results. Though data for March
2010 is still limited, the UNWTO has reported that the positive trend is set to continue, however the Icelandic volcano situation is likely to have impacted results in April.
China has lifted a law which banned tourists to the country if they have HIV or Aids, the BBC has reported.
The ban was lifted in time for the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai.
The World Heath Organization welcomed the decision, calling it “a significant step in the
right direction”.
The ban was lifted in time for the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai.
The World Heath Organization welcomed the decision, calling it “a significant step in the
right direction”.
ROVOS Rail has set up a trust fund in memory of three of its staff members who died in the incident in Pretoria recently.
The fund has been set up to support the families of those staff members now and in the future. Details of the trust fund are available on the Rovos Rail website http://www.rovos.com/accident-info.html
Rovos Rail said it was confident that the outcome of the extensive investigations into the incident would result in safer railways for all and that its operations would continue uninterrupted and in accordance with published schedules.“In spite of the significant loss of rolling stock in the accident, we will be operating all journeys as published on our current schedules albeit, in some cases, on smaller trains in than in the past.”
The fund has been set up to support the families of those staff members now and in the future. Details of the trust fund are available on the Rovos Rail website http://www.rovos.com/accident-info.html
Rovos Rail said it was confident that the outcome of the extensive investigations into the incident would result in safer railways for all and that its operations would continue uninterrupted and in accordance with published schedules.“In spite of the significant loss of rolling stock in the accident, we will be operating all journeys as published on our current schedules albeit, in some cases, on smaller trains in than in the past.”
Please be advised that on 01 May 2010 the new King Shaka International Airport (KSIA) becomes operational for all Durban-bound air travel. The existing Durban International Airport will be decommissioned; although it may be used for a temporary period during the Soccer World Cup event if required.
All flights into Durban up to and including Friday 30 April 2010 will operate from the current airport. From 01 May 2010, all flights will officially operate out of the new airport which is located approximately 35 kilometers north of the city centre.
Please factor in extra time to get to and from KSIA and bear in mind that if you are travelling in one direction before 30 April and back after 01 May, that you may need a shuttle between the two airports.
ACSA will provide a shuttle transfer between King Shaka International Airport (KSIA) and Durban International Airport (DIA) which will cover the cost for passengers that leave cars at DIA from 01 May for one week only.
Thereafter transportation between both airports will be for the passenger’s account and they will have to arrange transfers themselves.
Please be advised that SANRAL has just confirmed that the new Toll Plaza on the southbound on-ramp towards Durban as one exits the King Shaka International Airport, will become operational at 00:00 on Saturday 1 May 2010.
All vehicles travelling through the toll plaza will have to pay the relevant toll tariff per class of vehicle as follows:
Class 1 R4.00
Class 2 R8.00
Class 3 R12.00
Class 4 R16.00
Please be advised that on 01 May 2010 the new King Shaka International Airport (KSIA) becomes operational for all Durban-bound air travel. The existing Durban International Airport will be decommissioned; although it may be used for a temporary period during the Soccer World Cup event if required.
All flights into Durban up to and including Friday 30 April 2010 will operate from the current airport. From 01 May 2010, all flights will officially operate out of the new airport which is located approximately 35 kilometers north of the city centre.
Please factor in extra time to get to and from KSIA and bear in mind that if you are travelling in one direction before 30 April and back after 01 May, that you may need a shuttle between the two airports.
ACSA will provide a shuttle transfer between King Shaka International Airport (KSIA) and Durban International Airport (DIA) which will cover the cost for passengers that leave cars at DIA from 01 May for one week only.
Thereafter transportation between both airports will be for the passenger’s account and they will have to arrange transfers themselves.
Please be advised that SANRAL has just confirmed that the new Toll Plaza on the southbound on-ramp towards Durban as one exits the King Shaka International Airport, will become operational at 00:00 on Saturday 1 May 2010.
All vehicles travelling through the toll plaza will have to pay the relevant toll tariff per class of vehicle as follows:
Class 1 R4.00
Class 2 R8.00
Class 3 R12.00
Class 4 R16.00
Monday, April 19, 2010
FLIGHTS across Europe remained grounded yesterday due to the plume of volcanic ash drifting over the continent since Thursday.
Airlines confirm there will continue to be severe disruption to schedules on Monday, April 19.
British Airways says all flights to and from London on April 19 remain cancelled.
Flights affected include (April 18):
SAA says its flights between SA and Frankfurt, Munich and London remain grounded.
Flights affected include (April 18):
Virgin Atlantic has cancelled all its flights to and from London on April 19, while Lufthansa and Air France confirm no flights will be operated until that date. KLM and British Airways are conducting test flights without passengers to check the impact of volcanic ash on the aircraft.
Most airlines confirm passengers may apply for a full refund, or reschedule their flights without penalties within a set period.
Airlines confirm there will continue to be severe disruption to schedules on Monday, April 19.
British Airways says all flights to and from London on April 19 remain cancelled.
Flights affected include (April 18):
SAA says its flights between SA and Frankfurt, Munich and London remain grounded.
Flights affected include (April 18):
Virgin Atlantic has cancelled all its flights to and from London on April 19, while Lufthansa and Air France confirm no flights will be operated until that date. KLM and British Airways are conducting test flights without passengers to check the impact of volcanic ash on the aircraft.
Most airlines confirm passengers may apply for a full refund, or reschedule their flights without penalties within a set period.
PASSENGERS flying from King Shaka International Airport (KSIA) may be in for a surprise when they see ticket prices hiked as airlines are forced to pay more to transport fuel to the new airport.
“The old Durban International Airport is situated right next to the Sapref refinery, so it was possible to have a direct pipeline from the refinery to the airport. However KSIA is 60 kilometres away and fuel will need to be transported by road to the fuel tank farms next to the new airport,” confirms Acsa manager communications and brand for the DIA, Colin Naidoo.
The fuel tank farm, from which a pipeline feeds KSIA, can hold six million litres of jet fuel.
“The old Durban International Airport is situated right next to the Sapref refinery, so it was possible to have a direct pipeline from the refinery to the airport. However KSIA is 60 kilometres away and fuel will need to be transported by road to the fuel tank farms next to the new airport,” confirms Acsa manager communications and brand for the DIA, Colin Naidoo.
The fuel tank farm, from which a pipeline feeds KSIA, can hold six million litres of jet fuel.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Robin Pope Safaris has announced the start of its new project in Majete Wildlife Reserve in the Lower Shire Valley.
Construction of a unique and luxurious lodge on the banks of the Shire River has begun and is expected to be completed next year.
Majete, recently rejuvenated under the management of the renowned African Parks Network, is a 70 000 ha tract of mature woodlands and granite-topped hills, bisected by the Shire River and its tributaries, which add river valleys and riverine forest.
In addition to breathtaking scenery, the reserve, which is a mere one-and-a-half-hour drive from Blantyre, boasts an impressive mammal and bird list including sable antelope, black rhino, elephant and Lichtenstein hartebeest.
Construction of a unique and luxurious lodge on the banks of the Shire River has begun and is expected to be completed next year.
Majete, recently rejuvenated under the management of the renowned African Parks Network, is a 70 000 ha tract of mature woodlands and granite-topped hills, bisected by the Shire River and its tributaries, which add river valleys and riverine forest.
In addition to breathtaking scenery, the reserve, which is a mere one-and-a-half-hour drive from Blantyre, boasts an impressive mammal and bird list including sable antelope, black rhino, elephant and Lichtenstein hartebeest.
ON Tuesday, April 20, President Jacob Zuma will officially open the newly constructed Central Terminal Building (CTB) at OR Tambo International Airport.
Gm of OR Tambo International Airport, Chris Hlekane, declares that the official opening of CTB marks the completion of the state-of-the-art airport facility well in time for the World Cup. “Acsa works closely with FIFA to share data on traffic volumes around key games and venues. The airports are prepared to run 24 hours a day to ensure the smooth flow of operations.”
Completed facilities at the airport include the International Pier and a multi-storey parkade for 5 200 vehicles, bringing the total number of parking bays within and offsite the precinct to 17 500. Other facilities comprise seven new aircraft apron stands and the Gautrain Rapid Rail link.
Cape Town international Airport, which forms part of Acsa’s network of 10 airports, has a new CTB, a 400-vehicle multi-storey parkade, five new aircraft apron stands, and improved access roads. Meanwhile, Port Elizabeth, Upington, Kimberley, East London and Bloemfontein have all undergone runway upgrades and terminal refurbishing, and operational plans are nearing completion fort final signoff by May.
“OR Tambo International, and the other nine Acsa-managed airports will create those first impressions vital to market South Africa as a preferred destination for investment and tourism, able to compete proudly with the best facilities in the world,” says Hlekane.
Gm of OR Tambo International Airport, Chris Hlekane, declares that the official opening of CTB marks the completion of the state-of-the-art airport facility well in time for the World Cup. “Acsa works closely with FIFA to share data on traffic volumes around key games and venues. The airports are prepared to run 24 hours a day to ensure the smooth flow of operations.”
Completed facilities at the airport include the International Pier and a multi-storey parkade for 5 200 vehicles, bringing the total number of parking bays within and offsite the precinct to 17 500. Other facilities comprise seven new aircraft apron stands and the Gautrain Rapid Rail link.
Cape Town international Airport, which forms part of Acsa’s network of 10 airports, has a new CTB, a 400-vehicle multi-storey parkade, five new aircraft apron stands, and improved access roads. Meanwhile, Port Elizabeth, Upington, Kimberley, East London and Bloemfontein have all undergone runway upgrades and terminal refurbishing, and operational plans are nearing completion fort final signoff by May.
“OR Tambo International, and the other nine Acsa-managed airports will create those first impressions vital to market South Africa as a preferred destination for investment and tourism, able to compete proudly with the best facilities in the world,” says Hlekane.
AIRLINE passengers continue to face massive disruptions across Europe after an ash cloud from a volcanic eruption in Iceland grounded flights since yesterday, April 15.
Flights to, from or connecting through British airports, including London’s Heathrow (LHR), were delayed or cancelled due to the volcanic activity in Iceland (see below for SA-affected flights).
Media reports state that the cloud of ash has affected airports in Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Ireland. There was also major disruption in Belgium, France, Finland, Germany and The Netherlands.
Further disruption is likely as a second eruption has occurred closer to Finland and Russia. The volcano is said to be still erupting and forecasters believe the cloud could take a number of days to disperse.
“It is very variable how long these eruptions last. Anywhere from a few days to over a year,” Magnus Tumi Gudmundsson, a professor of geophysics and civil protection adviser in Iceland, told the AFP news agency. “Judging from the intensity of this one, it could last a long time,” he added.
The movement of the plume, which has been drifting eastwards, is being monitored by Met Office, NATS, Eurocontrol and neighbouring countries.
British Airways spokesperson, Stephen Forbes, affirmed that flights scheduled to leave Heathrow on Thursday (April 15) night had been cancelled. As a result, the outbound flight, scheduled to depart South Africa tonight, has also been cancelled as there are no aircraft to transport passengers to the UK.
South African Airways cancelled its flights to and from London scheduled for departure on April 15. The following SAA flights scheduled to have departed today have been cancelled:
SA234 Johannesburg to London
SA235 London to Johannesburg
SA220 Cape Town to London
SA221 London to Cape Town
All other SAA’s international flights other than London are currently operating as normal.
Meanwhile Virgin Atlantic advises its flights have been cancelled:
VS601 15 Apr London Heathrow/Johannesburg
VS602 16 Apr Johannesburg/London Heathrow
"We are asking agents to advise their passengers travelling on any of these flights not to travel to the airport but rather check the website for updates and advise on what options are available (www.virginatlantic.com)," says marketing manager Caren Parkinson.
Lufthansa spokesperson, Karin Duncker, affirms the airports of Amsterdam and Brussels are also closed as they have reached capacity as a result of diverted aircraft landing at these airports. "For this reason Lufthansa has cancelled all flights to and from Brussels and Amsterdam. Delays and increased flight cancellations of Lufthansa aircraft to the affected areas have occurred. Passengers are currently being rerouted without charge or if preferred are receiving a full refund.
"Volcanic ash represents a significant safety threat to aircraft. The ash, which consists of pulverised rock and glass created by the eruptions, can damage the engines, causing them to shut down if an aircraft flies through the plume. Ash can also be sucked into the cabin itself, contaminating the passengers' environment as well as damaging the plane's electronic systems.
Flights to, from or connecting through British airports, including London’s Heathrow (LHR), were delayed or cancelled due to the volcanic activity in Iceland (see below for SA-affected flights).
Media reports state that the cloud of ash has affected airports in Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Ireland. There was also major disruption in Belgium, France, Finland, Germany and The Netherlands.
Further disruption is likely as a second eruption has occurred closer to Finland and Russia. The volcano is said to be still erupting and forecasters believe the cloud could take a number of days to disperse.
“It is very variable how long these eruptions last. Anywhere from a few days to over a year,” Magnus Tumi Gudmundsson, a professor of geophysics and civil protection adviser in Iceland, told the AFP news agency. “Judging from the intensity of this one, it could last a long time,” he added.
The movement of the plume, which has been drifting eastwards, is being monitored by Met Office, NATS, Eurocontrol and neighbouring countries.
British Airways spokesperson, Stephen Forbes, affirmed that flights scheduled to leave Heathrow on Thursday (April 15) night had been cancelled. As a result, the outbound flight, scheduled to depart South Africa tonight, has also been cancelled as there are no aircraft to transport passengers to the UK.
South African Airways cancelled its flights to and from London scheduled for departure on April 15. The following SAA flights scheduled to have departed today have been cancelled:
SA234 Johannesburg to London
SA235 London to Johannesburg
SA220 Cape Town to London
SA221 London to Cape Town
All other SAA’s international flights other than London are currently operating as normal.
Meanwhile Virgin Atlantic advises its flights have been cancelled:
VS601 15 Apr London Heathrow/Johannesburg
VS602 16 Apr Johannesburg/London Heathrow
"We are asking agents to advise their passengers travelling on any of these flights not to travel to the airport but rather check the website for updates and advise on what options are available (www.virginatlantic.com)," says marketing manager Caren Parkinson.
Lufthansa spokesperson, Karin Duncker, affirms the airports of Amsterdam and Brussels are also closed as they have reached capacity as a result of diverted aircraft landing at these airports. "For this reason Lufthansa has cancelled all flights to and from Brussels and Amsterdam. Delays and increased flight cancellations of Lufthansa aircraft to the affected areas have occurred. Passengers are currently being rerouted without charge or if preferred are receiving a full refund.
"Volcanic ash represents a significant safety threat to aircraft. The ash, which consists of pulverised rock and glass created by the eruptions, can damage the engines, causing them to shut down if an aircraft flies through the plume. Ash can also be sucked into the cabin itself, contaminating the passengers' environment as well as damaging the plane's electronic systems.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

OVER 2 000 families have had to be evacuated from at-risk areas as threats of new mudslides loom following the heavy rain and flooding that hit the Brazil last week.
The trolley that ferries tourists up the mountain to the Christ the Redeemer statue has also been closed until further notice as the land around the rail line is unstable at the moment. Tourists are able to reach the statue by car but will have to sacrifice the view that comes with going up on the trolley.
The trolley that ferries tourists up the mountain to the Christ the Redeemer statue has also been closed until further notice as the land around the rail line is unstable at the moment. Tourists are able to reach the statue by car but will have to sacrifice the view that comes with going up on the trolley.
The death toll from floods and mudslides near Brazil's Rio de Janeiro has reached 224, with authorities fearing that it could reach as high as 400 people.
Four bodies were pulled out of the rubble at dawn on Saturday in the Niteroi slum of Morro do Bumba, where up to 200 people are believed to be buried.
Officials said the heavy rain had forced about 50,000 people to leave their homes, either because their homes were damaged or because they were ordered to leave due to fear of fresh landslides.
Four bodies were pulled out of the rubble at dawn on Saturday in the Niteroi slum of Morro do Bumba, where up to 200 people are believed to be buried.
Officials said the heavy rain had forced about 50,000 people to leave their homes, either because their homes were damaged or because they were ordered to leave due to fear of fresh landslides.
Yellow fever is an infectious vector-borne disease that is caused by a virus transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito vector such as Aëdes aegypti. South Africa has a risk of introduction of the disease as the mosquito vector exists in the country.
In order to prevent introduction of the disease into the country, South Africa requires a valid yellow fever certificate from all citizens and non-citizens over one year of age travelling from an infected area or having been in transit through infected areas. To assist passengers SAA will be checking the requirements leaving South Africa as they would be required to be in possession of this certificate on the return flight. Passengers making a return booking to or from these countries must be advised that they require a yellow fever vaccination certificate.
List of countries for which a yellow fever vaccination certificate is required for entry into South Africa.
Burkina Faso
Central African Republic
Côte d’Ivoire
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Equatorial Guinea
French Guyana
Sao Tome and Principe
Sierra Leone
Trinidad and Tobago
United republic of Tanzania
Yellow fever is an infectious vector-borne disease that is caused by a virus transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito vector such as Aëdes aegypti. South Africa has a risk of introduction of the disease as the mosquito vector exists in the country.
In order to prevent introduction of the disease into the country, South Africa requires a valid yellow fever certificate from all citizens and non-citizens over one year of age travelling from an infected area or having been in transit through infected areas. To assist passengers SAA will be checking the requirements leaving South Africa as they would be required to be in possession of this certificate on the return flight. Passengers making a return booking to or from these countries must be advised that they require a yellow fever vaccination certificate.
List of countries for which a yellow fever vaccination certificate is required for entry into South Africa.
Burkina Faso
Central African Republic
Côte d’Ivoire
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Equatorial Guinea
French Guyana
Sao Tome and Principe
Sierra Leone
Trinidad and Tobago
United republic of Tanzania
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Island : Mahé
Type of Event : Cultural, Eco tourism
Event Dates : 1 - 31 May 2010
Location : Various locations on Mahé
Enjoy a selection of unique locales where you can meet the Seychellois people and experience a taste of island style way of living, accompanied by a serenade of Creole music.
Bazar Labrinn is one of the legendary Bazar where shoppers come to stock up on their supply of vegetables, fruits, and local delicacies and where visitors to our islands can enjoy a unique opportunity to shop for souvenirs and sample traditional snacks and beverages – all within an authentic Seychellois Creole ambiance.
Bazar Ovan provides another excellent opportunity for locals and visitors to mingle and participate in a true celebration of the vibrant Seychellois Creole culture to the rhythms of Creole music which takes place in the pastoral south of the island.
Victoria Bazar is an Authentic and lively ambiance that is reflective of the Seychellois Creole way of life where vendors sell a variety of goods ranging from arts and crafts to exotic culinary delicacies and beverages to the accompaniment of local musicians in an atmosphere that’s strictly Creole
Type of Event : Cultural, Eco tourism
Event Dates : 1 - 31 May 2010
Location : Various locations on Mahé
Enjoy a selection of unique locales where you can meet the Seychellois people and experience a taste of island style way of living, accompanied by a serenade of Creole music.
Bazar Labrinn is one of the legendary Bazar where shoppers come to stock up on their supply of vegetables, fruits, and local delicacies and where visitors to our islands can enjoy a unique opportunity to shop for souvenirs and sample traditional snacks and beverages – all within an authentic Seychellois Creole ambiance.
Bazar Ovan provides another excellent opportunity for locals and visitors to mingle and participate in a true celebration of the vibrant Seychellois Creole culture to the rhythms of Creole music which takes place in the pastoral south of the island.
Victoria Bazar is an Authentic and lively ambiance that is reflective of the Seychellois Creole way of life where vendors sell a variety of goods ranging from arts and crafts to exotic culinary delicacies and beverages to the accompaniment of local musicians in an atmosphere that’s strictly Creole
Red Shirt protesters have been demonstrating in Bangkok since 12 March, calling for the Prime Minister to dissolve Parliament and call a fresh election.
Two rounds of talks failed to find a solution, however, prior to last weekend the situation had been under and free of major disturbance. Regrettably, on Saturday night things turned violent.
Yesterday and today returned to being quiet and non-eventful. It is not known what the next step will be for either side although it is hoped we won’t see a repeat confrontation. Therefore, to minimize inconvenience and for peace of mind Tour East is suggesting that clients arriving within the next week who are staying in the Ratchaprasong and Ratchadamnoen areas be offered alternative accommodation in more suitable locations.
Hotels in the Ratchaprasong area and nearby where guests may be affected:
Indra Regent
Baiyoke Suites
Baiyoke Sky
Bangkok City Siam
White Lodge
Holiday Inn Bangkok
Erawan Grand Hyatt
Four Seasons
Novotel Siam Square
Hotels in the Ratchadamnoen area and nearby where guests may be affected:
Buddy Lodge
Royal Princess Larn Luang
Alternative hotels:
Holiday Inn Silom
Amari Atrium
Siam @ Siam
Sofitel Silom
Montien Bangkok
Shangri-la Bangkok
Two rounds of talks failed to find a solution, however, prior to last weekend the situation had been under and free of major disturbance. Regrettably, on Saturday night things turned violent.
Yesterday and today returned to being quiet and non-eventful. It is not known what the next step will be for either side although it is hoped we won’t see a repeat confrontation. Therefore, to minimize inconvenience and for peace of mind Tour East is suggesting that clients arriving within the next week who are staying in the Ratchaprasong and Ratchadamnoen areas be offered alternative accommodation in more suitable locations.
Hotels in the Ratchaprasong area and nearby where guests may be affected:
Indra Regent
Baiyoke Suites
Baiyoke Sky
Bangkok City Siam
White Lodge
Holiday Inn Bangkok
Erawan Grand Hyatt
Four Seasons
Novotel Siam Square
Hotels in the Ratchadamnoen area and nearby where guests may be affected:
Buddy Lodge
Royal Princess Larn Luang
Alternative hotels:
Holiday Inn Silom
Amari Atrium
Siam @ Siam
Sofitel Silom
Montien Bangkok
Shangri-la Bangkok
Friday, April 9, 2010

Sighting: North Island environmental activities
Location: North Island, Seychelles
Date: March 2010
Observer: Linda van Herck
Photographer: Linda Wambach
The rehabilitation of an island and its ongoing sustainable environmental practice is a full-time challenge.
Location: North Island, Seychelles
Date: March 2010
Observer: Linda van Herck
Photographer: Linda Wambach
The rehabilitation of an island and its ongoing sustainable environmental practice is a full-time challenge.
This year, the rehabilitation of North Island's vegetation is continuing as before. Recent rainfall prompted a hasty reaction to plant as many endemic seedlings as possible on the glacis (granite mountain) areas of the island ... a monster task.
Members of the Environmental Team carried quantities of seedlings and of course various pieces of equipment up to the highest points of the island and planted out a number of species of seedlings including an indigenous Euphorbia.
One of the primary challenges about being on a sensitive island ecosystem is the waste generated by the ecotourism operation and what to do with it. Of course we cannot simply transfer our problem to Mahe, hence our focus on raising staff awareness.
A new waste compactor has been implemented to reduce the volume of non-organic waste that is transferred off the island for recycling.
This new piece of equipment is making our waste management far more efficient and has additionally given us an opportunity for awareness raising amongst the staff on the volumes of waste generated unless managed appropriately.
Members of the Environmental Team carried quantities of seedlings and of course various pieces of equipment up to the highest points of the island and planted out a number of species of seedlings including an indigenous Euphorbia.
One of the primary challenges about being on a sensitive island ecosystem is the waste generated by the ecotourism operation and what to do with it. Of course we cannot simply transfer our problem to Mahe, hence our focus on raising staff awareness.
A new waste compactor has been implemented to reduce the volume of non-organic waste that is transferred off the island for recycling.
This new piece of equipment is making our waste management far more efficient and has additionally given us an opportunity for awareness raising amongst the staff on the volumes of waste generated unless managed appropriately.
MADAGASCAR has announced that it will extend its offer of free visas to visitors who are not staying in the country for longer than 30 days.The promotion will now continue until the end of December and is valid for all visas acquired on entry at an airport.
LUFTHANSA’s A380 will celebrate its first long-haul flight in style when it flies the German soccer team to Johannesburg.
The A380, flight number LH2010, departs Frankfurt at 20h30 on June 6, arriving in Johannesburg the next day at 08h15.In addition to the team, DFB trainers and assistants and around 150 soccer fans will also be on the flight.
The fans will attend the send-off for the team in the business lounge at the flight departure gate and take part in a talk session prior to the flight. They will also be presented with an exclusive Lufthansa World Cup fan kit.
The A380, flight number LH2010, departs Frankfurt at 20h30 on June 6, arriving in Johannesburg the next day at 08h15.In addition to the team, DFB trainers and assistants and around 150 soccer fans will also be on the flight.
The fans will attend the send-off for the team in the business lounge at the flight departure gate and take part in a talk session prior to the flight. They will also be presented with an exclusive Lufthansa World Cup fan kit.

Tokyo’s Metropolitan Government has banned tourists from the city’s fish market for a month after complaints from traders their presence was hampering business.
According to a BBC report, the morning tuna auction as turned the Tsukiji fish market into one of the Japan’s most popular tourist attractions, with as many as 500 people gathering for each sale. The report stated drunken tourists often visit the early- Morning auction straight after leaving the city’s nightclubs. Tensions between tourists and fish workers have also accumulated with a growing number of complaints about visitors getting in the way of workers, taking photographs and touching fish products.
Guards will be deployed at the entrance of the tuna auction inside the market in order to enforce the ban, while hotels, embassies and travel agencies will also be informed in a bid to deter visitors from trying to gain entry.
"We have decided on a total ban as visitors are taking pictures with flash and touching tuna, which gets in the way of bidding," said Akiko Ueyama, a spokeswoman for the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
"The market is not a visitor attraction but a place for fish bidding. We are also considering if we should continue it indefinitely." With its rows of unidentifiable maritime creatures, hundreds of bustling fish industry workers and jet-lag friendly pre-dawn start, the fish market has become one of the city's biggest unofficial attractions.
Along with Asakusa, home to Tokyo's oldest Buddhist temple, and the neon lights of the electric stores of Akihabara, the fish market is one of the three most popular tourist spots in the city, according to officials. Fuelled by an international sushi boom and gaining popularity by word of mouth among travellers, the daily tuna auction is a highlight of a visit to the working fish market, along with eating a fresh sushi breakfast in one of a string of small, informal restaurants on the fringes of the market.
According to a BBC report, the morning tuna auction as turned the Tsukiji fish market into one of the Japan’s most popular tourist attractions, with as many as 500 people gathering for each sale. The report stated drunken tourists often visit the early- Morning auction straight after leaving the city’s nightclubs. Tensions between tourists and fish workers have also accumulated with a growing number of complaints about visitors getting in the way of workers, taking photographs and touching fish products.
Guards will be deployed at the entrance of the tuna auction inside the market in order to enforce the ban, while hotels, embassies and travel agencies will also be informed in a bid to deter visitors from trying to gain entry.
"We have decided on a total ban as visitors are taking pictures with flash and touching tuna, which gets in the way of bidding," said Akiko Ueyama, a spokeswoman for the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
"The market is not a visitor attraction but a place for fish bidding. We are also considering if we should continue it indefinitely." With its rows of unidentifiable maritime creatures, hundreds of bustling fish industry workers and jet-lag friendly pre-dawn start, the fish market has become one of the city's biggest unofficial attractions.
Along with Asakusa, home to Tokyo's oldest Buddhist temple, and the neon lights of the electric stores of Akihabara, the fish market is one of the three most popular tourist spots in the city, according to officials. Fuelled by an international sushi boom and gaining popularity by word of mouth among travellers, the daily tuna auction is a highlight of a visit to the working fish market, along with eating a fresh sushi breakfast in one of a string of small, informal restaurants on the fringes of the market.
Thai Government declared State of Emergency in the evening of Wednesday 7th April. This was due to a brief attempt of the anti-government protestors “Red Shirts” entry to the parliament compound.
Prime Minister Abhisit emphasized that the use of the Emergency Decree is intended to enable the Government to carry out the afore-mentioned tasks more efficiently. There is no intention of using the law to suppress or harm people, particularly innocent ones. The Government’s aim is to restore normalcy and ensure the sanctity of the law, and all actions to be taken will be in accordance with the law and international standards.
Areas covered:
The emergency rule covers Bangkok, Nonthaburi, Samut Prakan, Ayutthaya, Pathum Thani, and Nakhon Pathom.
What it means:
In declaring the severe emergency situation, certain regulations and directives have been issued in accordance with the relevant law. It must be emphasized that in general the measures taken under these regulations and directives do not affect the normal way of life of people or their activities, nor do they affect foreigners residing in or visiting Thailand. To travel to all other parts of the kingdom has not been affected. Tourism activities in all other areas continue as normal.
Main points in the Declaration:
1. Limit of gathering for political purpose.
2. Limit of travel to and out of certain areas.
3. Limit of propaganda and news which may cause fear or altered information to the public.
4. Limit of movement to certain areas.
Note to tourists and foreigners:
For tourists visiting the Kingdom, it should be stressed that foreigners have not been targeted in the on-going political conflict. However, foreigners are advised to be vigilant, and avoid areas where crowds may gather.
Prime Minister Abhisit emphasized that the use of the Emergency Decree is intended to enable the Government to carry out the afore-mentioned tasks more efficiently. There is no intention of using the law to suppress or harm people, particularly innocent ones. The Government’s aim is to restore normalcy and ensure the sanctity of the law, and all actions to be taken will be in accordance with the law and international standards.
Areas covered:
The emergency rule covers Bangkok, Nonthaburi, Samut Prakan, Ayutthaya, Pathum Thani, and Nakhon Pathom.
What it means:
In declaring the severe emergency situation, certain regulations and directives have been issued in accordance with the relevant law. It must be emphasized that in general the measures taken under these regulations and directives do not affect the normal way of life of people or their activities, nor do they affect foreigners residing in or visiting Thailand. To travel to all other parts of the kingdom has not been affected. Tourism activities in all other areas continue as normal.
Main points in the Declaration:
1. Limit of gathering for political purpose.
2. Limit of travel to and out of certain areas.
3. Limit of propaganda and news which may cause fear or altered information to the public.
4. Limit of movement to certain areas.
Note to tourists and foreigners:
For tourists visiting the Kingdom, it should be stressed that foreigners have not been targeted in the on-going political conflict. However, foreigners are advised to be vigilant, and avoid areas where crowds may gather.

To ensure their guests won’t miss a minute of the action while on holiday, Azamara Club Cruises, Celebrity Cruises, and Royal Caribbean International have obtained rights to air all games of the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa while at sea in international waters on every ship across the three fleets.
Guests sailing with any of the three cruise lines any time during the entire competition – taking place from 11 June to 11 July 2010 – will be able to watch games in the comfort of their staterooms and in designated onboard lounges.* Football fans can combine a memorable Azamara Club Cruises, Celebrity Cruises, and Royal Caribbean International holiday and still cheer on their team in special onboard programmes that include themed activities, food and beverages.
On some ships, guests can also participate in onboard tournaments, workshops and other special 2010 FIFA World Cup-themed activities.
*Games featured for public viewing will vary by ship itinerary, time zone and demographics.
Guests sailing with any of the three cruise lines any time during the entire competition – taking place from 11 June to 11 July 2010 – will be able to watch games in the comfort of their staterooms and in designated onboard lounges.* Football fans can combine a memorable Azamara Club Cruises, Celebrity Cruises, and Royal Caribbean International holiday and still cheer on their team in special onboard programmes that include themed activities, food and beverages.
On some ships, guests can also participate in onboard tournaments, workshops and other special 2010 FIFA World Cup-themed activities.
*Games featured for public viewing will vary by ship itinerary, time zone and demographics.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Tanzanians face more misery as widespread load shedding has resumed leaving them without power again for at least four hours a day.
Power was only recently restored to Zanzibar after the island had been left in the dark for at least three months after an undersea cable broke. Hotels and business owners feel the situation is likely to be costly and have a detrimental effect on their business as they now need to make use of costly generators.
The reason for the load shedding is still unclear but many believe it could be due to poor maintenance of the machinery.
Power was only recently restored to Zanzibar after the island had been left in the dark for at least three months after an undersea cable broke. Hotels and business owners feel the situation is likely to be costly and have a detrimental effect on their business as they now need to make use of costly generators.
The reason for the load shedding is still unclear but many believe it could be due to poor maintenance of the machinery.
Are you a soccer fan, do you know any soccer fans or do you have any guests who are visiting during the World Cup? Then please get them to complete CapeInfo's Fan Surveys.
With 90 responses to date, the top six source countries are:
USA 28.1%
UK 13.5%
Brazil 7.9%
Canada 6.7%
Australia 4.6%
Germany 3.4%
Eighty percent of the respondents are male and the age breakdown is:
Up to 20 9%
20–29 32%
30–39 20%
40–49 23%
50–59 12%
Over 60 4%
There is no doubt that the World Cup has raised South Africa's profile enormously and most respondents say their awareness of South Africa is due to the World Cup. Media advertising is at the bottom of the list. Is South Africa a "must-visit" destination? Around 70% think so, rating it 3/5 or higher.
For the sumary of the survey results
With 90 responses to date, the top six source countries are:
USA 28.1%
UK 13.5%
Brazil 7.9%
Canada 6.7%
Australia 4.6%
Germany 3.4%
Eighty percent of the respondents are male and the age breakdown is:
Up to 20 9%
20–29 32%
30–39 20%
40–49 23%
50–59 12%
Over 60 4%
There is no doubt that the World Cup has raised South Africa's profile enormously and most respondents say their awareness of South Africa is due to the World Cup. Media advertising is at the bottom of the list. Is South Africa a "must-visit" destination? Around 70% think so, rating it 3/5 or higher.
For the sumary of the survey results
Friday, March 12, 2010

February 2010 - Conservation tourism pioneer Wilderness Safaris today launched a public offer in Botswana and South Africa, to be followed by a primary listing on the Botswana Stock Exchange and a simultaneous secondary listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange's Africa Board.
The company said the exercise was a strategically significant step in its evolution, designed to enable it to take full advantage of growth opportunities, to give the public an opportunity to participate in its future success, to develop a broader shareholder base and to simplify corporate structure.
Growth in this manner is designed to allow the company to fulfil its objective of using its tourism model to the fullest extent possible in contributing to conservation in Africa. "We believe that our unique positioning, iconic international brand and management's long track record of financial and operational delivery present investors with an attractive growth and performance platform," said Andy Payne, the CEO of Wilderness Holdings.
Wilderness Safaris' core philosophy is one of building sustainable conservation economies through responsible tourism, which shares the benefits of tourism with local communities and ensures that pristine wilderness areas are protected profitably. The 26-year-old business is invested in seven Southern African countries. It also operates specialist travel businesses in six countries as well as a fleet of 49 aircraft. It employs more than 2 700 people, most of whom come from remote rural communities.
The company said the exercise was a strategically significant step in its evolution, designed to enable it to take full advantage of growth opportunities, to give the public an opportunity to participate in its future success, to develop a broader shareholder base and to simplify corporate structure.
Growth in this manner is designed to allow the company to fulfil its objective of using its tourism model to the fullest extent possible in contributing to conservation in Africa. "We believe that our unique positioning, iconic international brand and management's long track record of financial and operational delivery present investors with an attractive growth and performance platform," said Andy Payne, the CEO of Wilderness Holdings.
Wilderness Safaris' core philosophy is one of building sustainable conservation economies through responsible tourism, which shares the benefits of tourism with local communities and ensures that pristine wilderness areas are protected profitably. The 26-year-old business is invested in seven Southern African countries. It also operates specialist travel businesses in six countries as well as a fleet of 49 aircraft. It employs more than 2 700 people, most of whom come from remote rural communities.

Location: Mombo Camp, Okavango Delta, Botswana
Date: March 2010
Observer: The Mombo Team
Photographer: Russel Friedman
The African wild dog is an endangered carnivore that is perhaps best known for its social nature. It is this aspect that is seen as being at the heart of its success as a highly efficient predator of medium-sized antelope. Essentially mixed-sex packs operate in an orchestrated and cohesive way to bring down prey at far higher success rates than predators such as lion.
So what happens when this social component is removed?
The situation at Mombo provides some fascinating insight into this. In the 1990s, Mombo was renowned as an area of unusually high wild dog density. This has all changed and the area is now well known for its very high numbers of lions. This high lion density has kept wild dog numbers very low. In fact over the past two or three years only one very small wild dog pack has managed to exist in the area. There were also visits from larger packs but these have been only of a very short duration.
The aforementioned small pack saw a gradual diminishing of its numbers until at some stage in early 2009 only one animal remained - an adult female. It was presumed that this animal would either emigrate to join dispersing animals and form a new pack or, more likely, would perish in the hostile environment, unable to hunt efficiently on her own and even less likely to protect a successful kill from large scavenging predators.
We have all been proven wrong and this single wild dog has thrived in Mombo's prey-rich environment. She has done it with help from some highly unusual and totally unexpected quarters.
For the past six months or so this single wild dog has sought out the company of black-backed jackals and spotted hyaenas in an area north of Mombo Camp and has been seen associating with both species and even touching noses with the larger hyaenas with whom she seems well integrated (she reacts differently to hyaenas of different ages and genders of the local clan for example). Even more bizarre has been her behaviour where she solicits adult black-backed jackals to follow her on the hunt and even regurgitates meat on her return for the growing jackal pups!
Unsurprisingly, this sort of behaviour does not seem to have been recorded before. This really is unusual behaviour that no-one can have predicted. And it adds a whole new dimension to game viewing at Mombo.

At least 17 tourists had to be rescued from parks in the northern part of Kenya after torrential rains sweeping across East Africa caused the Uaso Nyiro River levels to rise significantly and burst its banks.
Safari lodges and safari camps like Samburu Serena Lodge, Samburu Lodge, Intrepids Camp and Larson Camp, as well as shops, restaurants and public areas have all been flooded. Some bridges have also been badly damages as a result of the debris sweeping across them and repairs will need to be carried out in order to make them safe for use again.
The National Management Committee issued a statement on March 5, saying that a major rescue and operation is underway and some people have already been taken to safer areas. Relief supplies had also already been positioned in Isiolo for dispatch to the affected area.
The Samburu Airstrip is still operational, but most recent reports indicate that the Archers Post Bridge is submerged.
The Kenyan Wildlife Service and the local Red Cross are fanning out into isolated villages to assess the damage. Police are warning residents to stay away from the dangerous rushing waters, amid reports that some people are plunging past flooded riverbanks to fetch furniture and other items that washed out of the safari camps and downriver.

Electricity has finally been restored to Zanzibar following a three-month blackout.
Residents and businesses have been without electricity since December when an undersea cable providing electricity to the island broke down. The blackout also affected the water supply to the island, causing one water manufacturing plant to shut down.
Many sectors need financial support and Government resources were critically depleted during the power crisis which lasted for four weeks when the isles remained in darkness. Economic sectors adversely affected by the power outage are agriculture, tourism and small scale businesses. As a result the blackout severely reduced the government's income as tax revenues and financial resources were drained in order for the government to address this most urgent issue.
Officials are now sparing no effort to make sure this does not happen again.

Airlines have received official confirmation that the cutover date for flights from the existing Durban airport to the new King Shaka Airport will take place on May 1.
Airlink, said to be the first airline to operate from the airport, has announced that all flights, up to and including April 30, will land at the existing Durban International Airport and all its flights will officially operate from King Shaka Airport from May 1.
Airlink says the new airport is approximately 65km from the current airport, and says it’s vital that all passengers are made aware of the cutover date.
Other airlines affected by the airport move are:
Airlink, said to be the first airline to operate from the airport, has announced that all flights, up to and including April 30, will land at the existing Durban International Airport and all its flights will officially operate from King Shaka Airport from May 1.
Airlink says the new airport is approximately 65km from the current airport, and says it’s vital that all passengers are made aware of the cutover date.
Other airlines affected by the airport move are:
1time Airlines/Air Mauritius/Airlink/TTA/Airlink/Comair/kulula.com/Emirates/Interlink/Mango/South African Airways/South African Express

Santiago Airport national and international flights operating:
The airport has started national and international flights again already last Wednesday and is gradually increasing its operations. Special procedures are in place at the moment and travelers are asked to report to the airport 3 hours ahead of their departure flights.
The Airport highway to Santiago as well as the roads of Santiago and surroundings are in good condition.
The country:
Chile is a Country which stretches over 4300 km. It has been divided into 15 regions and only 2 of those (region XII and region XIII) have suffered damages. These areas happen not to be any tourist destinations.
Tourist areas operating as usual:
The popular Atacama Desert in the North of Chile had not been affected by the earthquake at all and all programs are being offered as usual.
Same counts for the pristine Easter Island, which lies 2,300 miles from the coast as well as for the exciting area of the Lake region, North and South Patagonia with the famous “Torres del Paine National Park”.
Santiago back to normal:
Hotels and Restaurants have not suffered any major damage.
At times small paint jobs and repair works were needed which have either been completed already or in some cases are still underway. City tours of Santiago and to Valparaiso are being offered as usual. Santiago itself has hardly been affected as the capital is located 330km (205miles) SW of the epicenter
The airport has started national and international flights again already last Wednesday and is gradually increasing its operations. Special procedures are in place at the moment and travelers are asked to report to the airport 3 hours ahead of their departure flights.
The Airport highway to Santiago as well as the roads of Santiago and surroundings are in good condition.
The country:
Chile is a Country which stretches over 4300 km. It has been divided into 15 regions and only 2 of those (region XII and region XIII) have suffered damages. These areas happen not to be any tourist destinations.
Tourist areas operating as usual:
The popular Atacama Desert in the North of Chile had not been affected by the earthquake at all and all programs are being offered as usual.
Same counts for the pristine Easter Island, which lies 2,300 miles from the coast as well as for the exciting area of the Lake region, North and South Patagonia with the famous “Torres del Paine National Park”.
Santiago back to normal:
Hotels and Restaurants have not suffered any major damage.
At times small paint jobs and repair works were needed which have either been completed already or in some cases are still underway. City tours of Santiago and to Valparaiso are being offered as usual. Santiago itself has hardly been affected as the capital is located 330km (205miles) SW of the epicenter

While waiting for their flight, Lufthansa customers can now wait in a traditional beer garden
overlooking the Bavarian Alps.
In cooperation with Munich’s Franziskaner brewery, qualifying passengers can relax at traditional beer tables, enjoying draught beer tapped from the barrel with Bavarian pretzels. The beer garden is located at the refurbished Business Lounge in the Schengen departures area of Terminal 2 - Munich
overlooking the Bavarian Alps.
In cooperation with Munich’s Franziskaner brewery, qualifying passengers can relax at traditional beer tables, enjoying draught beer tapped from the barrel with Bavarian pretzels. The beer garden is located at the refurbished Business Lounge in the Schengen departures area of Terminal 2 - Munich
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Qantas today announced that football fans will be able to book seats on a dedicated delivery flight carrying the Australian team to the FIFA World Cup.
Qantas will fly the ‘Qantas Socceroos’ on its specially painted Boeing 747 from Melbourne to Johannesburg on 26 May 2010.
Fans would be able to purchase seats in the First, Premium Economy and Economy cabins
Qantas will fly the ‘Qantas Socceroos’ on its specially painted Boeing 747 from Melbourne to Johannesburg on 26 May 2010.
Fans would be able to purchase seats in the First, Premium Economy and Economy cabins

Passengers in transit at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) now have the option of touring some of the city’s most famous attractions with the introduction of the Showcase KL tour.
For just MYR95 (US$28) per person, passengers with a minimum transit time of five hours to spare can take a trip on the KL Hop-On Hop-Off (KL HOHO) bus. The tour allows participants to experience up to 43 Attractions in the city.
Showcase KL tour also entitles passengers to special discounts on entrance fees and shopping including Aquaria KLCC, the KL Bird Park and Kuala Lumpur Tower
For just MYR95 (US$28) per person, passengers with a minimum transit time of five hours to spare can take a trip on the KL Hop-On Hop-Off (KL HOHO) bus. The tour allows participants to experience up to 43 Attractions in the city.
Showcase KL tour also entitles passengers to special discounts on entrance fees and shopping including Aquaria KLCC, the KL Bird Park and Kuala Lumpur Tower

Several leaders in the sustainable travel and tourism industry, including hospitality giants IHG, Carlson Asia Pacifi c, Sandals Resorts International, Langham, Banyan Tree, Alila, Six Senses and Dusit, have signed-up to have their operations monitored by EarthCheck.
The scheme, jointly developed by the Australian government funded Sustainable Tourism
Cooperative Research Centre (STCRC) and Brisbane-based company EC3 Global, measures
companies’ environmental performance, such as waste reduction and non-renewable resource management.
The scheme, jointly developed by the Australian government funded Sustainable Tourism
Cooperative Research Centre (STCRC) and Brisbane-based company EC3 Global, measures
companies’ environmental performance, such as waste reduction and non-renewable resource management.
Asian cycling tour operator, SpiceRoads, is planning its longest ever itinerary – an epic 3,000km, 39-day bike ride from Hanoi to Phuket.
The ride, scheduled to start mid-September, will take travellers through Vietnam,
Laos and Thailand, including a well-deserved rest in Luang Prabang
The ride, scheduled to start mid-September, will take travellers through Vietnam,
Laos and Thailand, including a well-deserved rest in Luang Prabang
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
British Airways cabin crew voted for a strike, French air traffic controllers are striking and Turkish Airlines has advised of airport staff striking in Athens from midnight on February 23.
The Lufthansa pilots’ strike, originally planned for February 22-25 has since been suspended and talks between the airline and the union are continuing.The UK’s Unite Union on February 22 announced that the ballot of its crew members at British Airways (international) had resulted in another overwhelming vote for a strike. This is as a result of the long-running dispute over imposed changes to crew numbers and working practices.
Strike to affect Paris airports:
Due to a strike by air traffic controllers, flights from Paris's Orly and Charles de Gaulle airports are expected to be cancelled today. The strike is expected to last until February 26 and passengers are advised to confirm their flights with their airline before travelling to the airport. As a result of the strike, the French Civil Aviation Authority will limit the number of flights handled for each airline during this period.
Athens airport strike:
Turkish Airlines has advised that all the employees of Athens Airport will go on strike as of midnight on February 23 until midnight on February 24. Any passengers flying to Athens with the airline will be flown out from Istanbul on February 25 as there will be no flights to the destination on February 24. All transit passengers flying to Athens via Istanbul will have to spend the night in Istanbul.
The Lufthansa pilots’ strike, originally planned for February 22-25 has since been suspended and talks between the airline and the union are continuing.The UK’s Unite Union on February 22 announced that the ballot of its crew members at British Airways (international) had resulted in another overwhelming vote for a strike. This is as a result of the long-running dispute over imposed changes to crew numbers and working practices.
Strike to affect Paris airports:
Due to a strike by air traffic controllers, flights from Paris's Orly and Charles de Gaulle airports are expected to be cancelled today. The strike is expected to last until February 26 and passengers are advised to confirm their flights with their airline before travelling to the airport. As a result of the strike, the French Civil Aviation Authority will limit the number of flights handled for each airline during this period.
Athens airport strike:
Turkish Airlines has advised that all the employees of Athens Airport will go on strike as of midnight on February 23 until midnight on February 24. Any passengers flying to Athens with the airline will be flown out from Istanbul on February 25 as there will be no flights to the destination on February 24. All transit passengers flying to Athens via Istanbul will have to spend the night in Istanbul.
FROM February 25-26 the serving of alcohol and live entertainment will be prohibited in hotels, restaurants, leisure clubs and public areas in Dubai as a result of 'Dry day' on the occasion of the Prophet's birthday.
TOURISM Minister, Marthinus van Schalkwyk, has announced that government will conduct a survey on accommodation establishments in the tourism industry that are inflating prices excessively.
“Until now our impression has been that this is not the case, but we believe it should be investigated and the results of the investigation made public,” said Van Schalkwyk.
Grant Thornton has been appointed to conduct the survey and has also been requested to benchmark South African accommodation prices against those of other nations that previously hosted the FIFA World Cup.
According to a statement, the Department of Tourism also noted that in many cases where very high prices were cited, they were for private apartments and houses that were being rented out to individuals or groups, often in some of the most high-end neighbourhoods in the country.
“This phenomenon does not represent the tourism industry in general. Furthermore it must be kept in mind that these prices are determined by supply and demand, and the government cannot interfere in the functioning of the market in this regard.”
Van Schalkwyk continued to say that South Africa was a value-for-money destination and this reputation should be safeguarded. “Price hiking could damage the reputation of our tourism industry. However at the same time it must be kept in mind that June and July 2010 will be high season in South Africa, and tourists should not expect the normal low-season prices for that time of the year.”
In conclusion, the minister said there would always be establishments that ‘take chances’ during events such as the World Cup.“We believe this survey will assist us in getting to the bottom of the allegations. As soon as the survey is completed, which is expected to be in three weeks’ time, I will discuss the outcomes with the tourism industry.”
“Until now our impression has been that this is not the case, but we believe it should be investigated and the results of the investigation made public,” said Van Schalkwyk.
Grant Thornton has been appointed to conduct the survey and has also been requested to benchmark South African accommodation prices against those of other nations that previously hosted the FIFA World Cup.
According to a statement, the Department of Tourism also noted that in many cases where very high prices were cited, they were for private apartments and houses that were being rented out to individuals or groups, often in some of the most high-end neighbourhoods in the country.
“This phenomenon does not represent the tourism industry in general. Furthermore it must be kept in mind that these prices are determined by supply and demand, and the government cannot interfere in the functioning of the market in this regard.”
Van Schalkwyk continued to say that South Africa was a value-for-money destination and this reputation should be safeguarded. “Price hiking could damage the reputation of our tourism industry. However at the same time it must be kept in mind that June and July 2010 will be high season in South Africa, and tourists should not expect the normal low-season prices for that time of the year.”
In conclusion, the minister said there would always be establishments that ‘take chances’ during events such as the World Cup.“We believe this survey will assist us in getting to the bottom of the allegations. As soon as the survey is completed, which is expected to be in three weeks’ time, I will discuss the outcomes with the tourism industry.”
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Updated information regarding the situation in Machu Picchu:-
The Ministry of Transport officially informed that the restoration of the road from Santa Teresa to the hydroelectric, may take longer than expected since they need to build 2 tunnels, and these works may take at least 2 months.
Unfortunately, it seems that the activities and the visits to the ruins of Machu Picchu may start again in April.
So all February and March, there won’t be access to Machu Picchu and in the meantime the ruins will be closed until the access (any of them) offers all safety and security guarantees.
The National Cultural Institute already ordered not to sell any Inca Trail ticket for March

The Golden Sands Resort by Shangri-La recently completed a MYR 50 million redevelopment programme, redefining the standard of four-star deluxe accommodation within the region in the progress.
The resort is a veritable tropical paradise for vacationers and families located on Penang's world-famous Batu Feringgi beach. Guests of the Golden Sands Resort can also easily access George Town which is a UNESCO world heritage site.
As Penang’s top family deluxe resort, guests will enjoy a range of recreational facilities that include a water sports centre, three tennis courts, a Par 3 Executive Golf Course, two swimming pools and Adventure Zone, a Family Entertainment Centre.
Other facilities include innovative restaurants and bars, four adaptable, state-of-the-art meeting and banquet rooms and a Cool Lounge, a transit lounge for early check-in and late check-out.

The sustainable hospitality concept, Shinta Mani, will open a new property in the northern Laos town of Luang Prabang later this year.
Scheduled to launch in September the property will offer 54 rooms ranging, all with free Wi-Fi. Other facilities include a restaurant, bakery, spa, gymnasium, meeting room and hill-top swimming pool.
In line with Shinta Mani’s commitment to help the local community, the hotel will also host exhibitions of local arts and crafts, and feature a Development Institute which
offers education and skills training for local youth.
offers education and skills training for local youth.

KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) – The Sundaland clouded leopard, a newly identified and little understood species of big cat in Borneo, has been filmed for the first time.
The leopard, a healthy-looking animal a metre long (3 feet) and weighing about 40 kilos (90 pounds) was caught on video at night at the Dermakot Forest Reserve in Malaysian Borneo's Sabah state.
"What surprised us was that while clouded leopards are very elusive cats, this one was not scared at all," said Azlan Mohamed, a field scientist with University Sabah Malaysia.
"Despite our powerful spot lights and the roar of our vehicle's engine, it walked around our vehicle calmly," he told AFP.
"It is rare to see the big cat in the wild. These cats are usually shy of humans, it was by chance we caught it on video."
The Sundaland clouded leopard was classified as a new species through genetic studies several years ago and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature designated it as endangered in 2008.
Previously all clouded leopards living across the Southeast Asian mainland were thought to be the same species.Azlan said the Sundaland species is the biggest predator on Borneo, a resource-rich island split between Malaysia and Indonesia where wildlife habitats are under pressure from logging and plantations.
Authorities in India have warned that tourists travelling to the country should remain vigilant at all times following the recent bomb attack at a German bakery frequented by tourists in Pune.
Tourists should be aware of their surroundings and of local events and take steps to improve their personal security.
Tourists should be aware of their surroundings and of local events and take steps to improve their personal security.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A host of the world’s top female athletes are leading the charge for the inaugural US$250,000 Abu Dhabi International Triathlon (ADIT) as sign-up for the March event continues to swell, with more than 500 entrants from 25 countries already confirmed.
Current Ironman 70.3 and Xterra Triathlon World Champion and 70.3 distance world record holder, Great Britain’s Julie Dibens - widely regarded as one of the world’s fastest competitors - will be looking to add the Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority (ADTA) organised event to her long list of accolades.
“I am super excited about making the trip to Abu Dhabi in March. It is a great opportunity for me to step up in distance and try to learn a lot about myself. With such a great organisation behind the race, and a great prize purse, it is set to attract a great field of top pro males and females,” said Dibens, who currently holds four world records.
“I am excited to travel to a part of the world that I have never been to before, and hope that my body is ready to deliver the goods on the day.”
However, the Netherlands’ Yvonne Van Vlerken, the 2008 Ironman World Championship runner up and past Ironman world record holder; Britain’s Leanda Cave, the past Olympic and long distance world champion; and American duo of Sam McGlone, previous Ironman 70.3 World Champion, and Hillary Biscay, who has notched up 10 top three Ironman finishes in the last two years, are amongst 20 other top-tier professional women currently registered for the adrenaline-pumping ADIT, taking place 13th March 2010.
"I can’t wait; I’m really looking forward to racing the Abu Dhabi International Triathlon. The race-distances, the course-design and professionalism of the organisation are promising to make this race a hotspot in the event’s calendar. The world will see triathlon at its best and I am thrilled that Abu Dhabi is adding triathlon to the list of successful world-class events,” said Van Vlerken.
Primed to be an ‘instant classic’, the ADIT is being raced across two unique lengths, a testing 223kms ‘pure power’ course and a second 111.5kms route. And with its first-of-its-kind format, with a finishing running leg shorter than typical Ironman events to allow for quicker recovery, athletes are looking forward to trying out the new distances.
“I am so excited to be part of a first-year race of this calibre; the Abu Dhabi International Triathlon is doing a great thing for our sport, and for long-distance racing, by upping the stakes and putting on a first-class event. Our sport needs more races like this! I am really looking forward to racing in a new part of the world and to lining up next to the best in the world. This race's unique distances and top-notch field are going to make for a very exciting event; I've been training hard all winter and am looking forward to seeing how I measure up!” said Biscay.
Aimed at attracting up to 1,000 triathletes, including the world’s top 50, ADIT has already secured competitors from Australasia, Europe, the Middle East, Americas, North Africa, the Far East, Russia and Africa – a clear indication of ADIT’s global appeal.
And with a pro-women field shaping up to the one of the best this year world-wide, and the event’s growing reputation as the ‘most hotly anticipated new race in 2010’ - as announced by US-based Triathlete magazine, the world's largest triathlon publication - ADTA believes ADIT will be a major draw for local and international competitors.
"There has been a significant groundswell concerning this event since we launched in November, which has continued to generate major interest from amateurs and professionals the world over. With its unique format, distances and route landscape, the Abu Dhabi International Triathlon has certainly put the emirate on the global racing map and continues to reinforce our pursuit of becoming a major adventure athletics destination of distinction,” said Faisal Al Sheikh, Head- Major Events Division, ADTA.
To enhance the accessibility of the event, ADTA has introduced a relay element for the 111.5kms route, where a team of three can each take on a single discipline choosing the 1.5kms swim, a 100kms cycle or a 10kms run, which it believes will be perfect for aspiring athletes and corporate involvement.
Both ADIT routes, which are open to amateurs and elites alike, will take in a host of Abu Dhabi city landmarks with the event’s opening swim leg taking place in the lagoon of the hallmark Emirates Palace, one of the world’s most luxurious hotels, and the cycling section passing some of the destination’s most iconic sights including the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, one of the world’s largest, and along Abu Dhabi’s signature Corniche - all under the safety of completely closed roads.
The route will then go east of the city over Saadiyat Island, the 27 square kilometre natural island which is 500 metres offshore Abu Dhabi city, and on to the destination’s emerging entertainment hub of Yas Island - home to the highly successful 2009 Formula 1™ Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix – where they will compete on the same circuit as many of the world’s top race drivers.
The athletes will then run back to the Corniche through the Heritage Village to the west of the city.
Current Ironman 70.3 and Xterra Triathlon World Champion and 70.3 distance world record holder, Great Britain’s Julie Dibens - widely regarded as one of the world’s fastest competitors - will be looking to add the Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority (ADTA) organised event to her long list of accolades.
“I am super excited about making the trip to Abu Dhabi in March. It is a great opportunity for me to step up in distance and try to learn a lot about myself. With such a great organisation behind the race, and a great prize purse, it is set to attract a great field of top pro males and females,” said Dibens, who currently holds four world records.
“I am excited to travel to a part of the world that I have never been to before, and hope that my body is ready to deliver the goods on the day.”
However, the Netherlands’ Yvonne Van Vlerken, the 2008 Ironman World Championship runner up and past Ironman world record holder; Britain’s Leanda Cave, the past Olympic and long distance world champion; and American duo of Sam McGlone, previous Ironman 70.3 World Champion, and Hillary Biscay, who has notched up 10 top three Ironman finishes in the last two years, are amongst 20 other top-tier professional women currently registered for the adrenaline-pumping ADIT, taking place 13th March 2010.
"I can’t wait; I’m really looking forward to racing the Abu Dhabi International Triathlon. The race-distances, the course-design and professionalism of the organisation are promising to make this race a hotspot in the event’s calendar. The world will see triathlon at its best and I am thrilled that Abu Dhabi is adding triathlon to the list of successful world-class events,” said Van Vlerken.
Primed to be an ‘instant classic’, the ADIT is being raced across two unique lengths, a testing 223kms ‘pure power’ course and a second 111.5kms route. And with its first-of-its-kind format, with a finishing running leg shorter than typical Ironman events to allow for quicker recovery, athletes are looking forward to trying out the new distances.
“I am so excited to be part of a first-year race of this calibre; the Abu Dhabi International Triathlon is doing a great thing for our sport, and for long-distance racing, by upping the stakes and putting on a first-class event. Our sport needs more races like this! I am really looking forward to racing in a new part of the world and to lining up next to the best in the world. This race's unique distances and top-notch field are going to make for a very exciting event; I've been training hard all winter and am looking forward to seeing how I measure up!” said Biscay.
Aimed at attracting up to 1,000 triathletes, including the world’s top 50, ADIT has already secured competitors from Australasia, Europe, the Middle East, Americas, North Africa, the Far East, Russia and Africa – a clear indication of ADIT’s global appeal.
And with a pro-women field shaping up to the one of the best this year world-wide, and the event’s growing reputation as the ‘most hotly anticipated new race in 2010’ - as announced by US-based Triathlete magazine, the world's largest triathlon publication - ADTA believes ADIT will be a major draw for local and international competitors.
"There has been a significant groundswell concerning this event since we launched in November, which has continued to generate major interest from amateurs and professionals the world over. With its unique format, distances and route landscape, the Abu Dhabi International Triathlon has certainly put the emirate on the global racing map and continues to reinforce our pursuit of becoming a major adventure athletics destination of distinction,” said Faisal Al Sheikh, Head- Major Events Division, ADTA.
To enhance the accessibility of the event, ADTA has introduced a relay element for the 111.5kms route, where a team of three can each take on a single discipline choosing the 1.5kms swim, a 100kms cycle or a 10kms run, which it believes will be perfect for aspiring athletes and corporate involvement.
Both ADIT routes, which are open to amateurs and elites alike, will take in a host of Abu Dhabi city landmarks with the event’s opening swim leg taking place in the lagoon of the hallmark Emirates Palace, one of the world’s most luxurious hotels, and the cycling section passing some of the destination’s most iconic sights including the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, one of the world’s largest, and along Abu Dhabi’s signature Corniche - all under the safety of completely closed roads.
The route will then go east of the city over Saadiyat Island, the 27 square kilometre natural island which is 500 metres offshore Abu Dhabi city, and on to the destination’s emerging entertainment hub of Yas Island - home to the highly successful 2009 Formula 1™ Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix – where they will compete on the same circuit as many of the world’s top race drivers.
The athletes will then run back to the Corniche through the Heritage Village to the west of the city.

A line-up of seven masterchefs and chefs – including Pierre Herme, the man dubbed by Vogue magazine as ‘The Picasso of Pastry’ will be serving up a unique feast paying tribute to the versatility of the cocoa bean in Gourmet Abu Dhabi’s Chocolate Dinner.
Hermé will be joined by fellow French compatriots Frederic Bai, Hugues Pouget and Vincent Bourdin as well as Spain’s Charles Mampel and Loretta Fanella – hailed as the rising star of the international pastry scene - who will work with Darren Andow, Executive Chef of the hosting Yas Island Rotana Hotel to present the culinary masterpiece.
Taking place at the Yas Island Rotana Hotel on February 16, as part of the Gourmet Abu Dhabi culinary festival, the evening is not just for the sweet-toothed.
"It will be something of an eulogy to the cocoa bean which will be used in a range of savoury dishes and sweet creations,” said Noura Al Dhaheri, Tourism Dining and Retail Section Head, Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority (ADTA), which is presenting Gourmet Abu Dhabi until February 19.
“One thing is for sure, it will be an evening like no other and one which should produce lasting memories.”
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

MAI KHAO BEACH, PHUKET: West Sands, The Luxury Residences, Resort and Water Park has splashed into 2010 by launching Phuket’s first state-of-the-art water park “The Splash Jungle” on January 29th, 2010.
With an investment of approximately 500 million Thai Baht, Splash Jungle covers 22,400 square metres and holds 6 million litres of water. Designed and manufactured by the internationally renowned “White Water Industries” of Canada who specialize in Water Parks and boast over 4000 projects worldwide to date including Disneyland and Sea World.
The Splash Jungle Water Park reflects seven inspiring places on earth; the Inca Mayas, Africa, Asia, Turkey, Northern Europe, North America and the North Pole.“Splash Jungle will provide visitors and local residents of Phuket one of the greatest daytime entertainment experiences possible while providing tourists with yet another reason to visit Phuket and Thailand from around the world for relaxation and experiences” said, Mr. Tony Cousens, Chief Executive Officer of Central & City Developments Ltd.
The maze of adventure begins with the 335 meter Lazy River which surrounds a Wave Pool, Aqua Play Pool, the two premium rides; Boomerango and Super Bowl amongst many others. Alternatively find time to unwind in the lgloo Sauna or Hot Spring Pool, whilst the little ones explore a Kids Aquarium, Kids Slide Pool and multiple water slides of varying heights and speeds.
• Lazy River : A fun way to get around the water park as you journey through 335 metres of water which meanders through seven wonderful parts of the world from Asia to the North Pole. So sitback inside the comfort of a floating tube and laze away.
• The Wave Pool: The great thing about The Wave Pool is that it truly offers hours of enjoyment for all ages. Feel the currents and waves of the open ocean in the safety of our pool.
• The Boomerango : Located at the Slide Tower. Starting with a thrilling drop through our Aqua tube, the riders are launched into a high back and forth ride ending into splash pool.
• The Super Bowl: Located at the Slide Tower. Starting with a thrilling drop through our Aqua tube, the riders are then launched into the Super Bowl with centrifugal forces keeping them high on the wall for several turns ending in an exciting transition into a splashdown pool.
• Aqua Play Pool : This is the place where the whole family can have fun together, enjoy multiple interactive water features which are sure to get everyone wet from waterslides of varying heights and speeds to a giant tipping bucket, and if you still feel you are not wet enough then try out the water cannons.
The Splash Jungle Water Park operates daily from 10 am to 6 pm. There will also be Splash bar, Coconut Café, Jungle Deli, and retail shops.
Splash Jungle offers Introductory rates from January 30th until April 30th, 2010., at THB 1,795++/adult and THB 1,050++ /children (Height 100-130 cm) and Free of charge for children under 100 centre metres height. For Thai/ Foreigner Residents prices are THB 1500++/adult and THB 1,050++ /children (Height 100-130 cm). Rates are in Thai Baht and are subject to 10% service charge and 7% VAT. Shuttle buses from various points in Phuket are included in the ticket prices.
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Royal Cliff Beach Resort represents Pattaya, Thailand in ’10 Most Beautiful and World Class Beach Resorts”
Trifter.com, a unique website which publishes articles on the biggest travel destinations and the smallest unexplored points of interest where travelogues come from writers around the world has recently featured an article listing the ‘10 Most Beautiful and World-Class Beach Resorts’ which include Cancun Beach in Mexico, Nha Trang in Vietnam and Atlantis Paradise island in Bahamas.
Pattaya and Thailand is also represented with the world famous Royal Cliff Beach Resort being the only Thai based destination on the list. The article presents Thailand as one of the world’s top 10 most popular holiday destinations with many world class tourist attractions on offer, and goes on to highlight the four luxury 5-star hotels within the resort as well as some of the famous events which have taken place at the resort.
It can only provide a fillip to Thailand and the tourism industry that the Royal Cliff Beach Resort continues to be regularly featured in international and online publications.
The article by the respected journalist Mr. Norbert Solaria Bermosa can be found at trifter.com which also includes tourism guides, reports on local cuisine, and helpful tips from experienced travelers.
The Royal Cliff Beach Resort is an internationally acclaimed luxury hotel resort situated between Pattaya and Jomtien in a 64-acre tropical, beachside private estate overlooking the azure waters of the Gulf of Siam
Trifter.com, a unique website which publishes articles on the biggest travel destinations and the smallest unexplored points of interest where travelogues come from writers around the world has recently featured an article listing the ‘10 Most Beautiful and World-Class Beach Resorts’ which include Cancun Beach in Mexico, Nha Trang in Vietnam and Atlantis Paradise island in Bahamas.
Pattaya and Thailand is also represented with the world famous Royal Cliff Beach Resort being the only Thai based destination on the list. The article presents Thailand as one of the world’s top 10 most popular holiday destinations with many world class tourist attractions on offer, and goes on to highlight the four luxury 5-star hotels within the resort as well as some of the famous events which have taken place at the resort.
It can only provide a fillip to Thailand and the tourism industry that the Royal Cliff Beach Resort continues to be regularly featured in international and online publications.
The article by the respected journalist Mr. Norbert Solaria Bermosa can be found at trifter.com which also includes tourism guides, reports on local cuisine, and helpful tips from experienced travelers.
The Royal Cliff Beach Resort is an internationally acclaimed luxury hotel resort situated between Pattaya and Jomtien in a 64-acre tropical, beachside private estate overlooking the azure waters of the Gulf of Siam

Chinese New Year Festival in Thailand
Date : 5 - 22 February 2010
Venue : Bangkok (Chinatown on Yaowarat Road, CentralWorld Plaza, The National Theatre), Suphan Buri, Ratchaburi, Ayutthaya, Chonburi (Pattaya), Chiang Mai, Nakhon Sawan, Nakhon Ratcha Srima, Songhkla (Hat Yai), and Phuket.
One of the main venues in Bangkok is the city’s Chinatown, a fascinating maze of streets and lanes crammed with shops, restaurants and street-side stalls. But there are celebrations to mark the arrival of the Year of the Tiger in the city’s up-scale shopping district around Central World Plaza and the National Theatre next to Sanam Luang.
Chinese communities abound in various provinces in Thailand, so visitors are never too far from the colourful, robust celebrations that mark the arrival of the New Year. Phuket town on the southern island is an important venue for both religious and social celebrations. Ayutthaya 70 km north of Bangkok is another popular venue, while Pattaya on the eastern seaboard, Chiang Mai in the north and Songkhla on the southern coastline of the Gulf of Thailand are equally impressive places to visit during Chinese New Year celebrations.
Date : 5 - 22 February 2010
Venue : Bangkok (Chinatown on Yaowarat Road, CentralWorld Plaza, The National Theatre), Suphan Buri, Ratchaburi, Ayutthaya, Chonburi (Pattaya), Chiang Mai, Nakhon Sawan, Nakhon Ratcha Srima, Songhkla (Hat Yai), and Phuket.
One of the main venues in Bangkok is the city’s Chinatown, a fascinating maze of streets and lanes crammed with shops, restaurants and street-side stalls. But there are celebrations to mark the arrival of the Year of the Tiger in the city’s up-scale shopping district around Central World Plaza and the National Theatre next to Sanam Luang.
Chinese communities abound in various provinces in Thailand, so visitors are never too far from the colourful, robust celebrations that mark the arrival of the New Year. Phuket town on the southern island is an important venue for both religious and social celebrations. Ayutthaya 70 km north of Bangkok is another popular venue, while Pattaya on the eastern seaboard, Chiang Mai in the north and Songkhla on the southern coastline of the Gulf of Thailand are equally impressive places to visit during Chinese New Year celebrations.

27 Jan 2010
Flooding and mudslides near Peru's historic ruins of Machu Picchu have stranded 1900 tourists, emergency services said.
An operation to airlift the foreigners out of the southeastern disaster zone hit was suspended because of heavy rain after just 75 were flown out by helicopter.
There are reports five people have died.
Peru's presidential chief of staff Javier Velasquez traveled to Cusco with emergency-level ministers and officials to evaluate the situation and coordinate rescues.
The country's civil defense service said it estimated the homes of 1300 people in poor rural areas - many of them riverside dwellings made of clay and straw - had been destroyed. Another 12,000 people were affected to a lesser degree, losing possessions or suffering property damage.
In Cusco, where a 60-day state of emergency has been declared, two bridges collapsed and 250 houses were destroyed.
Machu Picchu is one of the most popular destinations for tourists in Latin America, attracting more than 400,000 visitors a year.
The 15th-century Inca ruins are located on a high mountain ridge 70 kilometres from Cusco. A railway that transports tourists to the site was covered by a mudslide
An operation to airlift the foreigners out of the southeastern disaster zone hit was suspended because of heavy rain after just 75 were flown out by helicopter.
There are reports five people have died.
Peru's presidential chief of staff Javier Velasquez traveled to Cusco with emergency-level ministers and officials to evaluate the situation and coordinate rescues.
The country's civil defense service said it estimated the homes of 1300 people in poor rural areas - many of them riverside dwellings made of clay and straw - had been destroyed. Another 12,000 people were affected to a lesser degree, losing possessions or suffering property damage.
In Cusco, where a 60-day state of emergency has been declared, two bridges collapsed and 250 houses were destroyed.
Machu Picchu is one of the most popular destinations for tourists in Latin America, attracting more than 400,000 visitors a year.
The 15th-century Inca ruins are located on a high mountain ridge 70 kilometres from Cusco. A railway that transports tourists to the site was covered by a mudslide
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Universal Studios has signed a contract with 14 partners, including the Lotte Group, to build a KRW3 trillion (US$2.7 billion) theme park in South Korea, according to a Korea Herald report.
The resort, to be developed in the northwestern province of Gyeonggi, will create as many as 100,000 jobs, provincial governor Kim Moon Soo was reported saying in Seoul yesterday. The resort, which will also include hotels, a water park, golf course and a shopping mall, is slated to open in early 2014.
Universal Parks and Resorts Chairman and CEO, Thomas Williams, was reported saying that he believed the resort would attract “a substantial segment” of the South Korean population, as well as a growing number of Asian international tourists.
He added that movie director,Steven Spielberg, a creative consultant Universal Parks and Resorts, is expected to take part in the project. “He already has a number of ideas that I think will contribute to making it quite unique and, in the spirit of differentiation, something that caters to an international crowd,” Williams was quoted saying.

China’s oldest cliff-carved Buddha statue is to be saved from collapse, with a US$10.8 million restoration, the BBC reported, citing state media.
The 1,459 year-old statue, carved into the Meng Mountain in Shanxi province, had faced collapse, but the restoration project will now stabilise the statue and surrounding hillside.

Companies from across the travel and tourism industry have pledged support and aid to the Caribbean nation of Haiti, in the wake of the devastating earthquake that rocked its capital, Port-au-Prince last week.
Royal Caribbean Cruises has announced its plans to provide at least US$1 million in humanitarian relief to Haiti, delivering much needed goods and supplies to Haiti via their cruise ships. Another cruise line, Crystal Cruises, is donating at least US$5 million toward relief efforts.
The funds will be forwarded to several different international organisations coordinating relief efforts within the country.
From the hotel sector, Best Western International has announced that Best Western Rewards members can now contribute rewards points to the massive relief effort. Programme members can visit the company’s website to make a donation to World Vision. InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) is also encouraging members of its Priority Club Rewards member programme to donate their points to the American Red Cross for Haitian Earthquake Relief.
The American Red Cross is also being assisted by Continental Airlines, which is offering a scheme whereby its OnePass FFP members can donate to the charitable organisation. Continental is also waiving change fees and additional fare collections for certain tickets to the Dominican Republic, adjacent to Haiti, in order to help the evacuation effort.
China’s HNA Group, which owns Hainan Airlines, has donated CNY500,000 (US$73,000) each to two humanitarian organisations for relief and reconstruction efforts.
China’s HNA Group, which owns Hainan Airlines, has donated CNY500,000 (US$73,000) each to two humanitarian organisations for relief and reconstruction efforts.
Across the industry, companies are contributing to the huge relief effort in an unprecedented response.
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